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Producer Center upgrades: Global search tool added to simplify your experience

March 3, 2025

We’re happy to announce we’ve added a global search tool to Producer Center to simplify your experience. Now you can search for anything on the site from one convenient location. Whether you're looking for clients, reports or documents, you'll be able to find what you need quickly and easily. This powerful tool is located in the header at the top of the page.

Streamlining your workflow

In the past, you had to navigate to specific sections of Producer Center to access search features. With the new global search, you'll be able to search for anything from one place, saving you time and effort. With filtering and sorting options, this feature simplifies your workflow and makes it easier to get the information you need.

Producer Center URL update

We've also simplified the Producer Center URL to If the Producer Center URL is embedded on your website for your employees to use or if you have the Producer Center login page in your favorites/bookmark list, you’ll want to replace it with the new URL.

We're looking forward to continuing to improve your user experience on Producer Center.